Sunday, October 2, 2011

SlideShare Launches New HTML5 Website!

Everyone is preparing for the mobile and tablet revolution, it seems. On this blog we shared our thought on motive of Amazon’s tablet friendly site. Now it’s turn of SlideShare. The new HTML5 SlideShare site now renders 30 percent faster and users can view, share, and interact with presentations. The latest version of the SlideShare site uses a patent-pending document conversion technology that renders all the details of a PowerPoint or Word document using nothing but HTML5.
The site also allows visitors to take advantage several features that were previously available only on the desktop version of the site including the ability to copy and paste text; keyboard navigation; full-screen view; and the ability to view embedded documents. Registered users can also view private content, to view content from friends, and favorite content. Any user viewing a slide view page now has visibility into metadata such as the number of views, embeds, and favorites for each presentation, as well as related content and content by the same author. And the homepage now displays a list of featured presentations.
SlideShare continues to see growing engagement, and expects the HTML5 platform to increase usage as well. The selection of HTML5 over native application made sense because the company wanted a lightweight experience for users and wanted documents, fonts, and more to look the same on various browser types. 
Reference: This blog was written by Vinaytosh Mishra for Neev Technologies .